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Penguins are the most spectacular animals

Penguins are birds that are not able to fly but can swim very well, and are able to adapt to their habitat very well.

This is a picture of a mother penguin about to feed her child.

Penguins can also be spotted in more warmer climates

such as the Emperor, Adelie, Chinstrap, and also the Gentoo penguins. All of these species can differenciate from eachother,
but all of these species have black bodies with white bellies.
These bodies can help them hide from predators and survive in these cold temperatures.


As I stated before penguins are really good swimmers, Penguins average to a speed of 17 mph (miles per hour) but can reach more than 656 ft (feet) .
And since their bodies are more elongated than regular birds they are well suited for swimming the depths of the Southern Ocean. Since Penguins aren't able to fly, but they do use their wings (flippers) as propellers to swim in the ocean
Most penguins can breath up to 20 minutes in the depths of the oceans. Penguins also like to swim together either in large groups or more smaller groups when looking for food to eat.

This is an image of African penguins swimming in the sea